Daniel Henderson


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    Daniel Henderson

    BEng (Hons) CertHE

    Daniel Henderson is a Consultant in the Investigations Group at TRL, specialising in road collision reconstruction and providing consultancy advice. Daniel has experience with the investigation and reconstruction of road collisions, including vehicle inspections, attending incident sites and providing expert advice to police forces, insurance companies and solicitors.

    Daniel holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree with Honours, and a Certificate of Higher Education in Forensic Road Collision Investigation. He has experience examining components from vehicles involved in collisions including light bulbs, tyres, and determining seat belt usage. Daniel can provide expert evidence on the nature and method of component failures including stress analysis and fracture mechanics.

    Daniel specialises in CCTV analysis and has extensive experience using established scientific techniques to determine the positions, speeds and trajectories of vehicles, pedestrians, and other road users. He also has vast experience in analysing digital data including accelerometers and GPS data. He has used this to cross-validate evidence recorded from multiple sources simultaneously.

    Daniel previously served as a Police Officer for 16 years, the majority of which was spent as a Forensic Collision Investigator. He has gained vast experience dealing with a wide range of incidents, from fatalities involving pedestrians and pedal cyclists to multiple vehicle collisions. He has utilised a range of methods in investigations, including the analysis of CCTV evidence, to determine vehicle speed and sight line analysis. Daniel is also highly experienced in scene surveying including laser scanning, GPS, and total station, and has expertise in producing 2D and 3D plans, and CAD drawings.

    He holds driving licence categories for cars and large goods vehicles (including articulated vehicles) and was a police advanced car driver.

    Daniel is a highly experienced expert witness and has extensive Court experience as a Collision Investigator, giving evidence at many levels, including Crown, Magistrates, and Coroners Courts.

    Proven, Trusted, Effective

    To find out more about our Team & the Services we offer, please email investigations@trl.co.uk  or call 01344 770892