Technical series: Vehicle wheel loss
A rotating wheel stores a large amount of energy, both rotational and linear, and can cause a huge amount of damage and injury if it separates from a vehicle.
A rotating wheel stores a large amount of energy, both rotational and linear, and can cause a huge amount of damage and injury if it separates from a vehicle.
Aquaplaning is a rare phenomenon in which a complete layer of water builds up between the road surface and one or more of a vehicle’s tyres, causing them to lose direct contact with the road.
As in-vehicle telematics grows in influence, now is the time to learn how to make the most from the data.
To ensure you receive the most accurate estimate from TRL and to do initial conflict checks, we need basic information at the outset.
Visibility is one of the most important factors for drivers, particularly for those of large vehicles such as HGVs and vans, which have the highest rate of other road user deaths per mile travelled
For any given vehicle travelling on a curve, there is a sideways acceleration threshold above which it is prone to roll over. The sideways acceleration it experiences is determined by its speed and the curvature and the camber or crossfall of the curve…
This case study relates to a fatal incident which took place at an indoor velodrome, where TRL’s investigation covered multiple technical areas including grip testing, environmental testing for dirt and debris, CCTV analysis and accident reconstruction.
eCall is a vehicle system which automatically alerts emergency services in the event of a serious road collision.
Did you know that the Insurance Fraud Bureau estimates that ‘Crash for Cash’ collisions cost the UK around £340 million per year?
Pedal error – i.e. pressing the wrong pedal – is a phenomenon that occurs more regularly than many people would expect.