Pedestrian safety | Airbags
How we use data from airbag deployments in forensic collision investigations
How we use data from airbag deployments in forensic collision investigations
Determining the best analysis methods to exploit video footage of an incident and in particular calculate actual distances travelled and speed of vehicles
A potted History of Trauma Biomechanics – part two -TRL’s work for the past 60 years
How TRL investigators assess the evidence to establish if the security of a vehicle’s load directly caused, or contributed to, the resultant injury or collision.
A potted History of Trauma Biomechanics – part one from the Ancient Greeks to early computer simulations in the 1970s
Over 20,000 vehicle-related fires require forensic investigation every year in the UK. Here’s how TRL experts analyse the available evidence.
The claimant’s view of a case study reported by TRL – read both accounts side by side for fascinating comparison
A rotating wheel stores a large amount of energy, both rotational and linear, and can cause a huge amount of damage and injury if it separates from a vehicle.
Aquaplaning is a rare phenomenon in which a complete layer of water builds up between the road surface and one or more of a vehicle’s tyres, causing them to lose direct contact with the road.
As in-vehicle telematics grows in influence, now is the time to learn how to make the most from the data.