There to be seen
How human vision works, and its relevance in an collision investigation when a driver is temporarily unable to see their surroundings.
How human vision works, and its relevance in an collision investigation when a driver is temporarily unable to see their surroundings.
How video enhancement can reveal essential information about the events of a collision by transforming blurry images
To ensure you receive the most accurate estimate from TRL and to do initial conflict checks, we need basic information at the outset.
Visibility is one of the most important factors for drivers, particularly for those of large vehicles such as HGVs and vans, which have the highest rate of other road user deaths per mile travelled
A medical episode resulted in a high profile traffic accident and our independent collision investigators were requested to consider several aspects of the case.
A case study of an LGV in collision with a cyclists in a cycle lane and how our Collision Investigation team provided information which aided the court hearing.
The number of pedestrians and cyclists killed or seriously injured in collisions with Large Goods Vehicles is disproportionate to those involving other types of vehicles.
We share a recent case study of a car in collision with a cyclist in a busy urban area and how our Expert Witness team provided useful information which aided the court hearing.