There to be seen
How human vision works, and its relevance in an collision investigation when a driver is temporarily unable to see their surroundings.
How human vision works, and its relevance in an collision investigation when a driver is temporarily unable to see their surroundings.
How video enhancement can reveal essential information about the events of a collision by transforming blurry images
Motorsports incidents are rare, but many of the same techniques are applied in investigations.
An unusual case involving a horse and rider in a road collision, in which TRL’s expert witness testimony earned praise from the judge
Dr Richard Lambourn looks at the factors involved in a very rare event and describes the physics involved which would provide evidential guidance to a court
A new TRL research report provides valuable performance data about e-scooters which helps understand vehicle dynamics in collisions.
The collision investigator’s role in getting justice for the victim, supporting the victim’s needs in a civil process, and contributing to research to prevent future collisions.
Two vehicles collide head on. How can collision investigators tell who was on the right/wrong side of the road at the time of a collision?
Audio recordings are often overlooked as evidence but can help draw important conclusions when investigating a collision, particularly when used alongside video footage
Reflections on TRL’s role in the investigation of the fatal collision involving Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Al Fayed and the pioneering approach which not only provided much needed answers but also advanced collision investigation methodologies as a whole.